Post 3: Let's talk about the pandemic

 Since March of 2020 we have been in a strange and unusual situation. We are in quarantine because of a pandemic. This situation brings consequences like health problems, mental stress, many layoffs, the impediment of social contacts, among others. Because of these problems, we had to adapt and change so many things, like stay at home and go out only if is necessary, classes through zoom and others plataforms of the internet. If the life before pandemic was so into technology and related things, now if you don't have internet you are totally disconnected of everything, such a big problem. Nowadays if you going out you must to bring your hand sanitizer and your face mask, even you can't go to visit your family members, because of the fear to conatgious them.

I hope the pandemic ends soon, so we can see each others or just walk around the streets without the fear, after pandemic I think we are gonna still use the face mask for a couple of years, like precaution, but no matter that we are gonna have social contact again, no more worries for the contagious of that, no more fear of going out and see the people. I hope so.


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